Make sure your truck is ready for your next adventure.

The Summer travel season is nearly upon us, and with gas prices as low as they are there’s never been a better time to take your truck out on a road trip. Whether it’s a quick trip or a journey across the country, you’ll want to make sure your truck is tricked out for your next adventure.

Schedule a check-up

You should perform some basic maintenance before you hit the road so as to avoid any unwelcome surprises during your road trip.

Are your tires in working order? Have you had your breaks inspected? You will want to get a routine tune-up ahead of time. An oil change and engine air filter and fuel systems cleaning can make a big difference in your fuel economy and save you money on gas.

Make sure you’re able to see the sights! Replace windshield wipers and headlamps if they aren’t working well. Remember that your lamps gradually lose their brightness over time. Consider getting a bug deflector if you’ll be driving in very humid areas.

Pack smart

Check your vehicle’s load capacity to ensure that you aren’t overloading your truck. Typically, the load capacity is printed on the inside of the driver’s door. Keep in mind that more cargo will put a larger strain on your vehicle’s fuel economy. If you are using a roof rack make sure that all cargo is properly secured, and remember that a heavy load on the roof can make emergency situations difficult to maneuver.

Speaking of emergencies, make sure your truck is stocked with a proper emergency kit. A flashlight, blanket, first-aid kit, basic tools, and some extra water and food can always come in handy while on the road.

Plan ahead

A portable GPS navigation system can help you make your road trip painless. Most modern smartphones provide free applications with turn by turn navigation. You can use these applications to avoid traffic congestion, tolls, plan rest stops ahead of time, and quickly find alternative routes.

Drive safe

Be patient. The best road trips are the ones where you can savor the view. Make sure you’re taking plenty of breaks so that you don’t get overstressed on the road. Try to avoid rush hour traffic by driving during the morning or late at night. No one wants to ruin a good vacation with an accident!

Let Us Put the Trick in Your Truck

Make sure your truck is ready for its next adventure by coming into Trick Trucks. With over forty years of experience servicing trucks, we have the expertise and equipment you need. Contact Trick Trucks online or by calling 1-866-60-TRICK. To find out more about our services and trucks, follow us on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube.

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