Trucking with pets can make the journey all the more pleasant.

Being out on the road for an extended period of time can become a lonely endeavor. That’s why many drivers opt to bring a trucking companion along. Trucking with a pet can make long road trips so much more enjoyable, but it’s important to make sure your vehicle is a proper environment for your pet.

Take frequent stops – Pets don’t typically want to be cooped up for hours at a time. Make sure you are taking frequent stops so that your animal can get some time to play, exercise, and use the bathroom. Even a cat needs space to move about.

Never leave pets unattended – Your truck can heat up very fast, even with the windows cracked. Don’t leave pets in stuffy car by themselves. Also make sure that your pet’s collar is properly affixed with the right tags, including contact information in case you get separated.

Use proper restraints – There are seatbelts designed specifically for pets. You wouldn’t drive with your child unsecured, so don’t neglect your pets either. A pet could be seriously injured if you slam on the breaks and they aren’t properly restrained. Also never let pets sit on your lap or in the front seat while you drive.

Pets shouldn’t stick their heads out the window – While your dog might love to catch the breeze, wind can actually irritate your pet’s mucous membranes or get debris in their eyes.

Do not transport pets in your truck bed – A pickup truck bed is not the place for pets, and he/she could easily cause an accident or harm themselves. Some 100,000 dogs die in accidents every year because they were riding in truck beds.

Stock up on pet food and water – When traveling for an extended duration, there may not always be quality pet food readily available to you on the road. Make sure you plan for your journey in advance by purchasing high quality food for the road.

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